Interview tips and tricks

Find out more about interview tips and tricks:

So you’ve found your perfect recruitment solution and some really great candidates for your role who you have invited in for an interview, but you’re not sure how to filter out the good from the bad?  I have compiled some interview tips and tricks! There are hundreds of potential questions that you could ask them in order to gain the best understanding of whether or not they fit your company, and we have combined some of, what we deem, the best.

1) Ask about what motivates them:

Here you can gain an understanding of the candidate’s mindset when it comes to work, and figure out if they would fit your business. If the candidate is financially driven, and this fits your business’ ethos, they will probably be more motivated and more likely to succeed than someone who believes in something totally different.

2) Ask about their aspirations in terms of career/life:

This will allow you to find out whether or not they will remain invested in your company.  If a candidate’s career aspirations are totally different from the job you are interviewing them for, they may not be likely to stick around for very long, instead choosing to pursue their actual career dreams.

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3) Ask about their greatest achievement so far:

This is another question that gives you an idea of what drives the candidate, as well as telling you what kind of thing they see to be an achievement.

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4) Ask why they chose to apply for your job, and what interests them most about it:

This will tell you what they are most interested in terms of your role and your company. You can also see if they have done their research on your company, or just walked into the interview and tried to blag it.

5) If the candidate has had time to explore your company before the interview, ask them what they like best about it so far:

I used to interview candidates to work in a bowling alley, and this was always the most interesting question for me. It gives you an idea of whether or not they understand how the company works, and (especially if the role involves customer service and high energy levels like working in a family focussed job) if they’d be right for the position.

6) Ask if they have any questions for you:

Hopefully, the candidate will have at least one or two questions prepared to ask you about the company and/or the role, which will show you that they actually are interested. If a candidate has nothing to ask you, there may be a reason for it, and that reason could be that they aren’t really interested in your specific role.


These are just a few suggestions of some interview tips and tricks, and as I said there are hundreds of possibilities.  I hope you have found this blog helpful and feel ready to interview your dream candidates.  If so, we have a handy, printable interview sheet that you can take into all of your interviews which you can download below.

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