Things to include in your CV

Your CV

There are plenty of things that you are told to include your CV – your name. Contact information. Details about your career so far and the qualifications you’ve gained. But there are plenty of things you shouldn’t include. And today I’m going to tell you some of them!


Blatant lies are an obvious mistake when it comes to writing CVs. And it will probably stand out to potential employers more than anything else. Instead of “enhancing” your skills or simply making them up. It is advised that you focus on what you can offer. Hiring managers will probably be more forgiving than you think. And you can still be considered for a position if you don’t have all of the essential skills.

Irrelevant work experience

Including past work experience that in no way relates to the job, you are applying for. Especially if it was a while ago, is probably worth leaving out. Unless this experience highlights some additional skills or great achievements. The employer probably won’t want to read about it.

Personal details

In the past, employers would often ask for personal information from you. But due to laws such as the Equality Act 2010, this should only happen if it is specific and relevant to the position. Therefore, personal details such as your marital status. Religion, or National Insurance Number/Social Security Number (depending on where you live) should be avoided unless specifically asked for.

your cv
  • Social media URLs

Obviously this will depend on the position you are applying for, but for most positions you do not need to include the link to your social media pages (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). Things like Instagram could be included if you are applying for a job that involves photography or even graphic design, as long as your account will reflect your skills. An exception to this rule is obviously LinkedIn, and other similar professional sites, as long as these are relevant to your desired position.

  • Be careful with your email address

If your email address sounds less than professional, like using your 11 year old self’s MSN login, really isn’t a good idea. It doesn’t take very long to set up a new email address and it doesn’t cost a thing, so it’s probably time to scrap in exchange for something a bit less fun. However, whatever your email address is make sure that it’s on your CV!


I hope that this has helped with writing your CV, and we have another list of helpful tips when it comes to how to write a good CV. For tons of helpful tips and tricks in recruitment, you can check out the rest of our blog!